Here you can find all details about FMGL Act 2021, Interpretation in our personal opinion, new rules and regulations for MBBS Abroad. What should be the minimum duration, language of instruction, subjects, transfer policies, requirement of Internship and Registration and other important policies.
It’s very important to understand that if any country does not follow FMGL Act 2021 and student takes admission in there, they won’t be able to register in India once they come back to India. Even they cannot right FMGE or NEXT, so it becomes very important to understand every clause mentioned in Gadget Notification. NMC has issued this document on 18th November 2021 after that they issued FAQ for better justification and recently, they have issued an advisory/alert also on 8th August 2023, you can download all 3 documents from here.
Click here to Download FMGL Act 2021 Issued on 18th November 2021, Total 5 Pages, first 3 Pages in Hindi and Last 2 Pages in English
Click here to Download FAQs FMGL 2021 Issued on 22 Feb 2022
Click here to Download Advisory/Alert about FMGL Act 2021 Issued on 8th August 2023
We found an interesting video also about the need of FMGL Act 2021 and how it will work for reference this video is also mentioned below.
Keep watching for more details and updates on Medical Education. We will also update advisory given by concerned government department (health ministry or medical council) and Indian Embassy situated in various countries, which could be helpful in understanding the education system of particular country. Bangladesh has become the first country to issue proper document about following FMGL Act 2021.

As of now only Bangladesh Government (Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council) has issued clear advisory about FMGL Act 2021 that they are already following the same even before announcement of FMGL Act 2021. Above mentioned documents confirm about course duration, internship, registration for local and foreign students both and work for foreign citizen in any field (technical, medical, management or even odd jobs) are also subject to work permit.
We also need to understand that such documents related to internship, registration equal to the local students for foreign students must be issued by the concerned government (health ministry or medical council) not from the college or University or Agent or You Tubers. Perception or expectations has no values.
Be aware of taking admission in any country, must check document about course duration, subjects, internship, licensing exam, registration for local and foreign students. Now a day we have seen many consultants and youtubers are lying about actual course duration and internship, they say 6 year’s includes internship, but NMC has already denied considering such internship and mentioned clearly in English & Hindi both that Internship must be in addition to the course, by the way Internship does not have semesters and exams but their 6th year will have semesters and exams both that also justifies that Thay are lying. They are considering clinical rotation as Internship, if so, these countries may not be able to fulfill requirements for minimum subjects mentioned in schedule 1. for reference both documents are mentioned below.

Shortly we will update details about popular countries for Indian students, in the meantime you can also go through our video about FMGL Act 2021 and also subscribe our channel for latest videos, we won’t be able to complete details about all countries in one video so, keep in touch. Stay Connected & Best Wishes.