Baotou Medical College, China

Established in 1958, Baotou Medical College is an ordinary medical college established earlier in the minority areas of New China. In the year of its establishment, it enrolled undergraduate students of five-year clinical medicine. In 1959 and 1961, Baotou City Health School and the Inner Mongolia Health Ministers College of Continuing Education merged into Baotou Medical College. In 1965, it was changed to Baotou Medical College. In 1978, the Ministry of Education approved the restoration of Baotou Medical College. In June 2003, the Ministry of Education decided to merge Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology with Baotou University of Iron and Steel and Baotou Teachers College. In December 2004, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People’s Government approved Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology to be divided into three operative entities with independent legal personality. The name of Baotou Medical College is Baotou Medical College of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology.

The school is located in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It covers an area of ​​more than 670,000 square meters and a building area of ​​260,000 square meters. After 59 years of construction and development, a school-running pattern that integrates full-time undergraduate education, postgraduate education, continuing education, and vocational education has been established, focusing on medicine, and coordinated development of management, science, law, literature, and pedagogy. Subject system. In 1997, it passed the evaluation of the undergraduate teaching work of the former State Education Commission. In 2008, it was evaluated as “excellent” in the evaluation of undergraduate teaching work of the Ministry of Education. It is a civilized unit at the autonomous region level.

The school has 16 secondary colleges, 11 clinical medical schools, and 20 undergraduate programs. There are 5 regional-level brand specialties and 2 key-level construction majors at the autonomous region level. The specialty of preventive medicine is the pilot project for the construction of state-level specialties and undergraduate majors of the Ministry of Education.

The school recruits students from 17 provinces and autonomous regions nationwide. There are 9,723 full-time students. The school has accumulatively trained more than 65,000 graduates for the country. It is represented by 1984 alumnus and Gao Changqing, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. A large number of outstanding alumni have become well-known experts and scholars in medical and health undertakings, and have made economic development and social progress for the country and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Made an important contribution.

Since 1980, the school has enrolled master’s degree students, and in 1986 it has obtained a master’s degree qualification. There are 4 master’s degree authorized first-level disciplines, 3 master’s degree degrees authorized first-level disciplines, and 2 master’s degrees authorized second-level disciplines. There are 1 clinical specialization building specialty in the country; 5 leading disciplines in clinical medicine, 4 key disciplines in clinical medicine; 3 key disciplines in the higher education system in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and 2 key cultivation disciplines in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

There are 4 key laboratories in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 2 key laboratories for the medical and health systems in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 4 experimental teaching demonstration centers in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and 3 engineering research centers in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. There are 8 academician expert workstations, 4 of which are two levels of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Baotou City, and 4 are Baotou City Level.

The school currently has 4,279 faculty members, of whom 762 are at the school headquarters. There are 3 doctoral tutors and 318 graduate tutors. The school has a total of 43 affiliated hospitals, teaching hospitals, and internship hospitals, of which 2 are affiliated hospitals. There are 22 practical teaching bases for preventive medicine, 18 practical teaching bases for pharmacy, 13 practical teaching bases for forensic medicine, and 26 professional practice teaching bases.

Contact for Admission & More Details

Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)

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