Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine is established in 1956. This university is also known as Kweiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This University offer’s 5 year course. It is located in Guiyang. Since its founding, the school has been adhering to the motto of “Dehou Mingzhi and Duxue Practicing”, insisting on the educational idea of ​​”development first, quality oriented, innovation being the source and educating talents for use”, and cultivating high-level talents of TCM. Developed into a traditional Chinese medicine-based, multi-disciplinary support, the school level is more complete, set the teaching, research, medical care as one of the institutions of traditional Chinese medicine. Guizhou Province in 2004 to become the focus of the construction of colleges and universities, in 2007 was named the evaluation of undergraduate teaching work “excellent” institutions, in 2016 to become the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Guizhou Provincial People’s Government to build colleges and universities. In 2016 November, the school of traditional Chinese medicine profession to accept the Ministry of education of Chinese medicine profession teaching instruction committee inspection, the expert group on-site feedback result is “fully recognized”.

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The school is located in the beautiful scenery and pleasant climate of Guiyang, with Huaxi, a show four campuses, an area of ​​1785 acres. The existing types of students in 10676 people, including 823 master’s degree graduate students, 9534 undergraduates. There are 15 directly under the hospital; Chinese Medicine Research Institute, Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Institute of Nationalities and other 10 scientific research institutions; 2 directly affiliated hospitals, 6 non-affiliated hospitals, 19 Clinical practice (teaching) hospital, 12 community medical practice base, 17 nursing practice base, 54 non-medical professional practice base. Among them, the first affiliated hospital for the “Guizhou Provincial Hospital”, the second affiliated hospital for “integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine hospital in Guizhou Province.”

The school has 1060 full-time teachers, 651 full-time teachers, including 367 senior titles, master’s degree or above 440 teachers, 315 master tutor, doctoral tutor 17. Has a national medical master, the old Chinese medicine expert’s academic experience inheritance work instructor 27, the first batch of national bone injury teacher 2, Guizhou Province, 38 Chinese medicines. Enjoy the special allowance of the State Council, 11 experts, 11 provincial experts to enjoy the special allowance of the Government of Guizhou Province 7; provincial teacher 10, Guizhou outstanding young talents and training object 7; provincial scientific and technological innovation team 5 , The provincial teaching team 5. There are 1 national master studio, the name of the old Chinese medicine experts inheritance studio 19, Guizhou province folk medicine (medicine) division 1, Guizhou province talent training base 2, province graduate student innovation base 4.

The school has 1 national key disciplines, 18 key disciplines of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 4 key disciplines of Guizhou Province, 6 key disciplines of Guizhou Province, 1 key disciplines of Guizhou Province and 1 National Key Clinical Specialties 6, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Guizhou Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine 35 key specialty. There are 20 second-level master’s degree authorization points in Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, master’s degree programs in three disciplines such as basic theory of Chinese medicine, internal medicine of Chinese medicine, and master’s degrees in nursing and public administration. Points were allowed to carry out in-service staff to apply for graduate master’s degree equivalent work.

In the existing 18 undergraduate majors, the Ministry of Education has four professional characteristics, the provincial characteristics of professional 4, 7 provincial-level demonstration of professional, all professional involved in medicine, science, engineering, law, management five disciplines. The school actively promote Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine and other professional talents training program, the existing personnel training model reform of a national pilot project, the provincial project 2. 2015 “excellent doctor training program” approved national talent training model innovation pilot; in 2016, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine into a professional enrollment.

Miao medicine school national engineering research centers, national drug clinical trial institution, provincial engineering centers, key laboratories, 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center, academician workstation, more than 10 scientific research platform. Since 2013, 954 research projects of various kinds have been undertaken, with a total of 111 million yuan of research funds and 29 prizes of scientific research awards. In 2009 by the Ministry of science and technology as “the modernization of Chinese medicine technology industry base construction of outstanding units”, in 2011 by the Ministry of education as “eleven five” university science and technology management team. ”

The school vigorously carry out quality education, in the previous national “Challenge Cup” and other college students extracurricular academic science and technology works competition, all kinds of professional knowledge and skills competitions and other events in the repeated success, emerged “National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award”, “China Volunteer Service Gold Award” , “National PARKnSHOP Volunteer” and other honorary title winner, as well as the first batch of “Xiaoping scientific and technological innovation team” – “acupuncture and massage mechanism research and product development innovation team” as a representative of a large number of outstanding young talents and innovation team .

In recent years, the school has established cooperation with the United States, France, Australia, South Korea and other countries and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan universities and scientific research institutions to establish a cooperative relationship, foreign exchange and cooperation increased significantly, the international influence of rising.

Campus Address: Dusi Elevated Bridge, Nanming Qu, Guiyang Shi, Guizhou Sheng, China, 550000

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Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)

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