Nanchang University

The school is located in the “Hero City” Nanchang City, with the former lake, Castle Lake, East Lake, Poyang Lake and Fuzhou five campuses, of which the former Lake owners campus covers an area of ​​4500 acres, the school building area of ​​1.3 million square meters.

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School started in 1921 founded in Jiangxi Public Medical College and founded in 1940 the National Chung Cheng University. In 1993, Jiangxi University and Jiangxi University of Technology merged to form Nanchang University, and created a national precedent for higher education system reform. In 2005, Nanchang University and Jiangxi Medical College merged to form a new Nanchang University, opened the school reform and development of a new page. Party and state leaders, the Ministry of Education and the Jiangxi provincial government attaches great importance to the construction and development of schools, Xi Jinping, Zeng Qinghong, Wu Guanzheng, Liu Yandong, Meng Jianzhu and other central leaders have to visit the school to guide the work. In October 2008, comrade Xi Jinping inspected the school sentimental “Nanchang University vision unlimited.” In February 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the school again, on the university scientific research innovation and personnel training delivered an important speech, and encouraged the school to take the road of innovation and development, hope that contemporary college students cherish Shaohua, pave the way with youth, so that the ideal extension.

The school headquarters of the existing staff of 4521 people (including 2662 full-time teachers, associate professors 1443), of which “double employed” 4 academicians, the national “973 plan” chief scientist 2, the national “thousands of people plan” selected 4 , The national “million people plan” selected 2 people, the national “outstanding youth science fund” winner 4 people, “Yangtze River scholar” professor 5 people, the national excellent doctoral thesis 1 instructor, national teaching teacher 1, country “100 million talent project” 12 people, the national “outstanding youth science fund” winner 2, the State Council Academic Degrees Committee members of the discipline review group 1, Ministry of Education Science and Technology Committee 2 members, the Ministry of Education “new (cross) century Excellent talent support plan “12 people. The emergence of the international nursing industry’s highest honor award “Nightingale Medal” winner Zou Defeng, the national model teacher Shi Qiujie and a number of advocates of moral, love and dedication of the typical.

The school attaches importance to international school, has more than 30 countries (regions) of more than 90 colleges and universities, scientific research institutions to establish a stable exchange and cooperation. There are Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms at the University of Poitiers in France and the University of Nottingham, Indonesia. The school cooperates with the Canadian Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food to build a Joint Laboratory of Food Science and Technology.

Nanchang University will continue to improve the “academic school, talent strong school, according to the rule of law,” the new realm, struggling to create a “strong discipline, fine management, Hui people’s livelihood, Xingshi dry” new situation, emancipate the mind , Cohesion and consensus, deepen reform, for the construction of regional characteristics of the high level of comprehensive university and work hard.

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