Samara Medical Institute Reaviz, Russia

Samara Medical Institute Reaviz (Medical Institute Reaviz) is a private health institution of higher education in the Samara city of Russian Federation. Samara Medical Institute Reaviz one of the first private medical schools in the country which recieved the license to conduct educational activities. Samara Medical Institute Reaviz also has branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Saratov city. Samara Medical Institute Reaviz was organized in 1993.

Today Samara Medical Institute Reaviz is  a modern multi-level system of continuous training of specialists with higher medical, pharmaceutical and humanitarian education from secondary schools to graduate. Currently Samara Medical Institute Reaviz is a center of higher medical education who provides the best opportunities for quality training. Today Samara Medical Institute Reaviz has 162 teachers for 14 working departments. During its 18 years of existence the Samara Medical Institute Reaviz has trained 9700 students.

Medical Institute “REAVIZ” is one of the first non-state medical higher education institutions in our country. “REAVIZ” occupies an honourable place in the list of leading educational institutions of Samara. It substantially contributes into the development of science and into the education of health care manpower. Year after year “REAVIZ” lives up to its reputation of a notable, stable and competitive educational institution.

Nowadays “REAVIZ” is recognized by the professional community not in Samara only but abroad as well. In April of 2003 Medical Institute “REAVIZ” was awarded the American Golden Certificate of Quality, which is considered to be an evidence of the international acknowledgement.

Many scientific directions are developed in Medical Institute “REAVIZ” through the use of research laboratories between different sub-departments within the institute and also interconnections between different universities. Our institute actively collaborates with the academic research institutes with the object of the implementation of grants which were awarded for the development of nanotechnology. “REAVIZ” successfully carries out a number of practical projects in surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, dentistry and pharmacy. Our institute follows the best traditions of academic and research schools of Russia.

The majority of leaders of departments and chairs are the followers of distinguished scholars, who were founders of Soviet scientific medical schools. Our main aim is the training of health care staff, of young people who should become highly professional physicians in the nearest future. The most important quality for these professionals should be the integration of the greatest responsibility and the inner freedom of this profession, of scientific research and practical achievements.

Curriculums and study programs are ultimately adjusted to the educational level and individual needs of certain categories of students. This idea has found its implementation in the form of the so-called individual education (which is not practiced in state universities) and also in the possibility of obtaining the second higher education in all areas of professional medical specialization in shortened period of time. Students who study according to that kind of curriculum are not part of established study groups, but meet in fluctuating groups of 2-3 people to study certain subjects. They attend lectures and practical classes according to an individual curriculum which is approved yearly by the Academic Council of the institute. From our point of view it is a very promising form of training of medical staff and qualified

pharmaceutical chemists which is used nowadays in the institute. This form proves its worth in the post-graduate training of highly qualified professionals.

Our institute is actively taking part in social rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities and wheelchair users.

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