School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, China

In 1984 Fudan University founded its graduate school. In the same year, the State Council approved it as one of the nation’s ten key colleges and universities. In February 1993, Fudan University proposed its plan to “pursue quality, compete to be the best, and define its position on the national team of colleges and universities,” as it progressively established an objective to build a world-class university.

In 1994, a preliminary hearing of the National Ministry of Education’s “Plan 211” division proposed a blueprint for building Fudan University over the next ten years into a center and foundation for high-ranking personnel training, high-quality scientific research, high-tech achievement transfer and high-standards policy-making consultation, becoming a world-class comprehensive university with a dynamic academic ideology, commensurate with Shanghai’s position as an international metropolis. On May 22nd, 1995, chairman Jiang Zemin wrote the following commemoration for Fudan University: “In the new century, let’s build Fudan University into a world-class comprehensive university.”

In 1999 the National Ministry of Education and the Shanghai City Government signed a joint sponsorship agreement for Fudan University, and Fudan became one of the first group of colleges and universities to take part in the “985 Plan”. On April 27th, 2000, Fudan University and Shanghai Medical College were merged, forming a new Fudan University.

2005 was Fudan University’s 100 year anniversary. China’s president Hu Jintao sent a letter of congratulations, saying that he hopes the school will continue its tradition of excellence while developing and innovating into the future, building itself into a world-class comprehensive university, developing talent, ability, and integrity, and putting forth a new, even greater contribution towards building a prosperous society and realizing the Chinese people’s great revival.

Currently, Fudan is home to 5,800 faculty and staff including 2,700 faculty, among whom 1,800 has professorship. Altogether 44% of the faculty are under 40 years old and 35% are between 41 to 50. Fudan is proud to host 38 members of Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 Fudan Distinguished Professors of Humanities and Social Sciences,  6 Specially Invited Senior Professors, 99 Chang Jiang Scholars, 89 Young Scholars by  National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished, 7 national teaching award winners , 27 municipal teaching award winners, 11 national teaching award team winners and 7 municipal teaching award team winners.

Currently the medical parts of Fudan University include Basic Medical School, Clinical Medical School, School of Public Health, School of Pharmacy, School of Nursing, Institute of Biomedical Science, Institute of Brain Science, Institute of Radioactive Medicine and Department of Laboratory Animal Science, and 11 affiliating hospitals. Fudan has a total of 11 affiliated hospitals, of which eight are level three first-class hospitals, with a medical staff of more than 15,000, and a caseload of almost one fourth of the total in the city of Shanghai.

Zhongshan Hospital is a major teaching hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health of China. It was founded in 1937 in commemoration of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer in the Chinese democratic revolution. Affiliated to the State Medical College of Shanghai, it was then the first large hospital run by the Chinese.

Through 76 years of development, Zhongshan Hospital now covers an area of 95,892 M2 and has 356,206 M2 of buildings. The hospital has 1,700 beds serving 84,000 inpatients and 3,111,000 outpatients and emergency in 2013. Among its 3,433 medical staffs are 437 professors and associate professors, 1,219 physicians, 1,340 nurses, 401 technicians, 1 member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 2 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

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Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)

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