Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Centrales Rómulo Gallegos Escuela de Medicina, Venezuela

In 1975 , the Feasibility Commission was created for the creation of a University in Guárico State in Venezuela . In 1976, the Commission asked the Regional Executive for the cession of at least a thousand hectares of land belonging to the university city, an area that is under the beautiful mantle of Los Morros, a beautiful natural monument that dominates university spaces.

The National Experimental University of the Central Plains  Rómulo  G allegos  was created on July 25 , 1977 under Presidential Decree of the then-called Republic of Venezuela .

Its main campus is located in San Juan de los Morros , Guárico state , Venezuela , where the areas of: Health Sciences, Agronomy, Dentistry, Economics, Systems Engineering, (Engineering, Architecture and Technology) and Legal Sciences are located. and Policies.

In 1990 the degree of Veterinary Medicine is approved. In December of 1992 the academic activities of the career of Odontology begin. In 1993 the academic activities of Medicine began. In 1993 the academic activities of Educational Sciences began. In 1994 the academic activities of Economic and Social Sciences began. In 2002, the academic activities of Systems Engineering began. In 2005 the academic activities of Legal Sciences and Policies began.

Currently, a new classroom building is being built in the Faculty. This new building will undoubtedly decongest the current headquarters of the School of Medicine. The infrastructure has 18 classrooms, of which 15 will be used for academic activity, and the remaining three will be master classrooms.

It should be noted that between the basement and the ground floor there will be eight laboratories, which will be used for the practices of Biochemistry, Histology, Parasitology;among other academic subjects.

At present the extension of Medicine in the campus of Calabozo has more than 1500 students studying medicine. Here the students from the 1st year start their general medical practices in health centers where the professors of the university practice.

The School of Dentistry of the UNERG, has currently developed infrastructural growths that benefit the student population, and also with this fact, it is established as one of the best Schools of Dentistry in terms of quality of study and student functioning in Venezuela. In 2008, the area inaugurated a new building, opening the new UNERG dentistry building. This means the possibility, not only of attending with greater quality and care to the patients who come to the clinics, but also to prepare the future professionals following the highest quality standards.

It should also be noted that the X-ray room of the School of Dentistry will soon be inaugurated. That counted on an investment of almost 300 thousand strong bolivars, for the conditioning of the X-ray room and the acquisition of five X-ray and one Panoramic devices.

Similarly, the X-ray room was built under the provisions of the Law in these cases, with respect to environmental safety and security for staff and students. Currently the area has five dental clinics, three for adult care and two for child care; counting with a total of 105 dental units for adults, and 30 units for children. After inaugurating the new building of the Dentistry Area, the inauguration of another dental clinic is planned, where some seventy new dental units will be placed.

Beginning in 2009, the first cohort will begin at the Calabozo Campus with modern first class facilities.

National Training Programs in Higher Education are defined as sets of studies and academic activities leading to degrees, degrees or certifications of higher education, created by the initiative of the National Executive, through the Ministry of Popular Power for Higher Education, designed in collaboration with one or more official higher education institutions, to be taught and accredited in different areas of the national territory, in the University Villages of Misión Sucre or in Higher Education Institutions, according to the strategic lines of the Economic and Social Development Plan of the nation. The NFPs are designed to grant the title of TSU in two years and the degree or Engineering in four years. NFPs allow certification of competences at the end of the first year of studies and are linked to Specializations and other postgraduate levels in the respective areas.

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