University of Regensburg Faculty of Medicine, Germany

The University of Regensburg  is a public research university located in the medieval city of Regensburg, Bavaria, a city that is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The university was founded on July 18, 1962 by the Landtag of Bavaria as the fourth full-fledged university in Bavaria. Following groundbreaking in 1965, the university officially opened to students during the 1967–1968 winter semester, initially housing faculties in Law and Business Sciences and Philosophy. During the summer semester of 1968 the faculty of Theology was created. Currently, the University of Regensburg houses eleven faculties.

The university actively participates in the European Union’s SOCRATES programme as well as several TEMPUS programmes. Its most famous academic, the previous Pope Benedict XVI, served as a professor there until 1977 and formally retains his chair in theology.

Situated entirely on one central campus, the university is located south of Regensburg’s inner city on a small incline south of the Danube River, and directly adjacent to the Regensburg University of Applied Sciences and the A 3 autobahn. The university itself consists of 150 hectares (280 acres) of land.

Including the affiliated university hospital, the University of Regensburg has approximately 4,200 employees including 312 professors, and teaches more than 20,000 students (summer term 2015). The university’s reputation and attractiveness is enhanced by the 2,000-year-old town of Regensburg, its scenic countryside, the Donautal (Danube Valley), a high density of bars and the nearby heights of the Bavarian Forest. Brisk cultural life both in the city and on campus provide great recreational opportunities, enhanced by a number of nearby lakes.

With its eleven faculties, the university employs a wide variety of traditional programmes of study. The university was one of the first German universities to introduce modularized study programs following the Bologna model.  Since 2000, most study programs have introduced bachelor’s as well as master’s degrees in recent years. Doctoral degrees can be obtained in most subjects as well.

On campus, students are provided with a large central cafeteria (Mensa) and several smaller ones, a pizzeria, a bank, a bookshop as well as various other shops. The university has been adapted to the needs of the disabled as far as possible and accommodation of the same standard is available. The open-access University Library, with its modern online catalogue and loan system, holds over 3.15 million books and periodicals. All students receive a PIN code for the computers, which grants free access to e-mail services and the Internet in all computer rooms throughout the campus. Students also have access to the services provided by the University’s Computer Centre in any one of the more than 20 computer pools on campus and in most of the student dormitories.

Student residences, a number of which cater to students with special needs, are located in close proximity to the campus as well as in the city centre itself. The university currently maintains links with over 130 European academic institutions. The number of partner universities in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Cyprus and the Baltic States has steadily grown ever since the initiation of the programme for associated countries. The university now has over 20 partners in these countries.

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