University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Italy

The University of Rome Tor Vergata, also known as the University of Rome II is a public research university located in Rome, Italy. Its current president is Giuseppe Novelli, a professor in the Faculties of Medicine and Surgery.
It was established in 1982 with the goal of providing high-quality education for students preparing to meet the ever-evolving needs and opportunities of the 21st-century workforce. Despite its young age, Tor Vergata has already reached high quality standards in Italy and Europe. Located in the south-eastern suburb of Rome, the university combines a liberal arts tradition with emphasis on career orientation in the field of Economics, Engineering, Sciences and Medicine.
Many professors of the university are important members of the Italian cultural and political environment.

The university takes its name from the 14th-century farmhouse “Turris Virgatae” that was owned by the Roman noble family of Annibaldi, whose remains lie beneath Villa Gentile on campus.

The university occupies a 6.0-square-kilometre (1,483-acre) area outside the Grande Raccordo Anulare highway connection, in the eastern sector of the city. One of the most modern University Hospitals in Italy (Tor Vergata Polyclinic), with state-of-the-art medical equipment in located on campus. The university hospital is well equipped with diagnostic and therapeutic vanguard structures and is considered a flagship hospital at national and international levels. Near the university, there are accommodation facilities owned by the regional organization as well as Campus X, a private company, considered the largest in Italy, providing 1500 bed spaces, starting from March 2011

The university is divided into six schools, called faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Sciences. There are 19 departments; combined, they offer 31 PhD programmes and 120 Masters programmes.[4] The university offers 114 undergraduate degree programs (three-year degree, single-cycle), 9 of which are entirely taught in English. The university has taken concrete steps in the past years to participate in international projects and to link industries to its research. It also participates in interdisciplinary dialogue with local businesses to provide support to entrepreneurial activities and small businesses.

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