Semmelweis University, Hungary

Semmelweis University  is the oldest medical school in Hungary.A portrait of Maria Theresa, the Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary displayed in the Assembly Hall of the University, commemorates the founding of the Medical Faculty in 1769, almost 250 years ago. The University was named  after Ignác Semmelweis, (1818-1865), the obstetrician who discovered the cause and prevention of puerperal fever in the 1840s, … Read more

University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary

The first university of Hungary was established in Pécs by Louis I of Hungary in 1367,the letters patent issued by pope Urban V, similar to that of the University of Vienna. The university existed for a few decades, then split into two schools, one of jurisprudence and one of theology in the course of the 15th century. The university was … Read more

University of Debrecen, Medical and Health Science Center, Hungary

The University of Debrecen is a university located in Debrecen, Hungary. It is the oldest continuously operating institution of higher education in Hungary (since 1538). The university has a well established programme in the English language for international students, particularly in the Medical field, which first established education in English in 1986. There are nearly 4000 international students studying at the … Read more

University of Szeged,Faculty of Medicine, Szeged, Hungary

The University of Szeged  is a large research university in Hungary. It is located in Hungary’s third-largest city, Szeged, in Csongrád County in the Southern Great Plain. The University is one of Hungary’s most important universities and is among the most prominent higher education institutions in Central Europe. The predecessor to the modern university was the University of Kolozsvár (University of today’s Cluj-Napoca), founded … Read more

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